With Roy’s 65th birthday fast approaching, we’re thrilled to reveal that July and August will see the release of two very special Roy of the Rovers’ collections – The Best of the 50s and The Best of the 60s – filled to the rafters with the greatest stories of Roy’s early footballing career on the pages of Tiger!

We’re also excited to reveal the cover art for both of these editions, complete with reworked art from the original comics, and a swanky 65th logo to boot!

The Best of the 50s is full of stories from the original creators themselves – Frank S. Pepper and Joe Colquhoun - including Roy’s first call up in Tiger magazine on September 11th 1954 and other stories from Melchester’s soccer sensation. Perfect for introducing new readers to the world of Roy Race!

The Best of the 60s includes artwork and stories from Joe Colquhoun once more, but also includes additions from Derek Birnage, Fred T. Holmes, and even the one and only Bobby Charlton. There’s something for everyone, and regular readers will remember iconic stories contained within, such as a saboteur club burning down the dressing room, an obsessed fan trying to ruin Melchester’s cup run, and even Rovers’ crash-landing on a small South American Island!

Both of these fantastic editions will be released in hardback, with The Best of the 50s launching July 25th, and The Best of the 60s launching a month later on August 22nd. Use the linkes below to pre-order your copies right now!

The Best of the 1950s: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Roy-Of-The-Rovers-Best-Anniversary-Collection/dp/1781087172 

The Best of the 1960s: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Roy-Rovers-Best-Anniversary-Collection/dp/1781077180